
Showing posts from February, 2016

Hit Me

So you hit me Got me with your deep set of blue eyes here. You hit me  Hit me with the sweet words you spoke  When you wiped away my tears And you hit me with a warm I love you  while watching for falling  stars that night But I want to run away from you because you're amazing.... and you hold me gently through the night!  And I know that's twisted. It's messed up and no one understands In the past I've been chewed up and spit out And left without any helping hands Before you I was ripped up and thrown out and left To stand my ground And I've learned to trust myself alone While on the battleground... And there's not one nice thing That anyone's really left me So when you came into my life  It was like you hit me!   And you hit me with a kind hello The minute I broke you're heart And you said you'd always love me Though I tore your world apart. And when you called again and again ...