It Wasn't S'posed To

This wasn't how the bed 
Was supposed to be made
You out the door
Bills left unpaid

It wasn't s'pose to. 
Oh It wasn't s'pose to.  

At my door you'd knock,
I gave you the key
You were supposed 
to marry me!

Oh You were s'pose to,
You were s'posed to!

I told you there was
Baby on the way
That was somethin
I made up that day!

But my lies were all found out
My girlfriends are gone
How dare they tell you
My mind is long gone.

Oh just to hold to you
Oh just to hold to you

This wasn't how the bed
Was supposed to be made
You out the door,
bills left unpaid

It wasn't s'pose to. 
Oh ..It wasn't s'pose to.  
Oh,  but what's a girl to do?
Without you? 

But what's a girl to do?
Without you?


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