The Flaws of a Parent

Why do you force us together?
We are separate souls.
The only things that are the same, are:
our looks, our bloodline, our parents.

We're different in every way
Different as the moon shining down from the bright starry night...
Different as the sun shining bright.

Different as the colors of our skin
Hers white, mine a slightly different shade of beige.

We are complete strangers now.
The only thing drawing us together
Is our parents, who always had their favorite (depending on what was going on, or going wrong),
Their stories of why the other was: too selfish, too unmoral, or never trying hard enough.

You didn't raise us to be friends, 
We were to witness what was wrong with the life we shared,
And then we had to move on with our own lives
And make our lives better somehow.

And then we were to invite you back in.
So you could enjoy the weddings, the baptisms, the holidays...
And mostly in that order. 

And then we were to listen to you,
Talk mostly bad about what the other had done,
And we're suppose to act
As though we aren't resentful, or that we aren't the perfect one.

I've been brainwashed to believe that it's me alone....
For not having contact...
But it's not.

It's mutual,
How can you like someone that: takes advantage, lies, never calls, never checks in on their parent?

We were like lobsters put in lukewarm water
Only to feel our family life turning up the heat...
It got ugly...
Before we even realized.

And now you wonder why
We can't be friends... 
Relationships end...
Relationships begin...

What we do now-  is not your business anymore.


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