Sisters Our Soulmates
We tell our feelings,
We share our fear...
We talk of the reasons
Of what brought us here.
We tell of passion....
Of love that we've made
Of love that we've made
We talk of madness
And the love that we crave.
We know we've felt
Their struggles before
But a sister will warn you
Or hold your hand through the uproar.
We've held each other
Through struggles and tears,
Held each other's hair back
From too many beers!
Their struggles before
But a sister will warn you
Or hold your hand through the uproar.
We've held each other
Through struggles and tears,
Held each other's hair back
From too many beers!
We've been there through
boyfriends, husbands, and others
We're sisters, wives, girlfriends
And mothers.
We love our sisters
We've been there through childbirth
Fertility, weight gain....
We've seen people's loss
We've laughed through the pain.

We're sisters, wives, girlfriends
And mothers.
We love our sisters
Never consider their age,
We encourage their dreams
And help them off stage!
We've been there through childbirth
Fertility, weight gain....
We've seen people's loss
We've laughed through the pain.
We take each other in
As a sign of mana...
As a sign of mana...
But make no promises.
There will never be drama!
We are the daughters
Each other's sisters and friends-
We are each other's soul mates
There till the end.
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