Capitol Hill Summer (Seattle)

Capitol Hill summer
People stirring about
Mingling in outside tables
Everyone walking about....

Jazzy music playing
Off in the shadowy haze
Oh how I sweetly
remember those days....

Airy open windows propped
High in busy apartments
No one here's a stranger
No one knows decent rent.

A person walks blocks to clubs 
Sometimes late at night.
During the weekend 
No one's too uptight.

Lovely people passing
Sometimes famous and known...
Capitol Hill is
An artist's dream home. 

No vacancy signs posted
And signs with 'no parking here'
Never enough room,
Makes boundaries disappear.

Diversity welcomed
All in one place
Drag queens, gays,  hipsters, 
Every human race.

I have strong memories 
Of living here during 9-11
All neighbors joined together
Broke bread and shared the leaven

We lit candles on our porches
Said prayers in our own way
There wasn't a conversation
Unwelcomed that day.

People here live together
There are no fights, taunting or war
Capitol Hill teaches people to live
Better than before.


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