Daddy Issues

I'm a girl with daddy issues
I won't let it bring me down.
Thinking if I please him
He'll decide to keep coming round.

He always says I could do better
Never had a good, kind word to say
I can't keep livin
(With his put downs-)
For he's tearing my beauty away.

I longed for him when I was younger
I failed to secure any of his revere;
Now I'm dating some men,
Just tryin to fit in-
And I keep wondering what's brought me here.

Sometimes when I least expect it,
an unkind word they'll say-
And for some reason I think I deserve it-
For causing them some sort of dismay.

Daddy, daddy- Please don't treat me
Not like your other hoes
Daddy, daddy please show me-
That I'm worth more than all of those.

What I have to remember:
My Daddy never would say,
Never could say: soft, sweet things to me...
My daddy-  My dad could never love nobody- -

My daddy's dad's-
treated him the same,
My daddy- Never learned the lesson,
he succumbed and never overcame.

What I have to remember:
I'm a strong, smart girl-
Never alone,
I'm among family and friends
Who've become my backbone.

I'm a girl with daddy issues, 
I won't let it bring me down.
This girl's going to change things, 
The next time this comes around.


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