Line in the Sand

I took the twig and drew
A line in the sand
The moment you took her side
I was coming in for a bad crash land
And it didn't take long to decide.

It was her or me -
How dare she glare
and speak to me that way.
How could you?
You drew a line in the sand that day

A sideways remark,
ill tended words
Left me mystified, speechless
They were unkind and cruel
Not a hint of sweetness.

As your family sat drinking
And having lunch
with margaritas in the shade.
I wanted some time away from them
Away from this escapade.

You bought a round of beers
for them
And partied the night away
Then you wanted to make up with me and
I knew just what to say:

"You take your bags, I'm staying here,
Behind my lock and key.
I married you -and only you
 Not your family!"

And you chuckled and shrugged
Saying they didn't know
like this was acceptable behavior
And I had to gasp because I had been shunned 
All because I had blamed HER.

You took her side
Hers --(again)
Instead of mine....
And I'd rather live with this emptiness
than live with a stupid gold mine.

I took the twig and drew
the line in the sand that day
it was her or me- 
One would have to go....
And I'm choosing my dignity.


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