Unfinished Plans

We were good friends- 
So many times
Pass before my mind
Good times- happy times
So many times.
I did trust you
Only to have you
Spit in my face and walk by.
Our time together was remarkable
Till it wore down to a single thread
And was ripped from beneathe the
Feet in which I walked.
I thought of you as a true friend
Trustworthy and lifelong
Our eyes sparkled at the plans that we made
Only to drip from our lids
As the dreams faded away.
Successes turned into jealousies
And jealousies into bitterness.
Now our eyes meet
And we see incomplete plans
Both of us hating the other for not following through
What started out as the truest of friendships
failed to last
And the roses we had once
Have crumbled from the grip we once held.


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