
The Flaws of a Parent

Why do you force us together? We are separate souls. The only things that are the same, are: our looks, our bloodline, our parents. We're different in every way Different as the moon shining down from the bright starry night... Different as the sun shining bright. Different as the colors of our skin Hers white, mine a slightly different shade of beige. We are complete strangers now. The only thing drawing us together Is our parents, who always had their favorite (depending on what was going on, or going wrong), Their stories of why the other was: too selfish, too unmoral, or never trying hard enough. You didn't raise us to be friends,  We were to witness what was wrong with the life we shared, And then we had to move on with our own lives And make our lives better somehow. And then we were to invite you back in. So you could enjoy the weddings, the baptisms, the holidays... And mostly in that order.  And then we were to listen to you, Talk mostly b...


Standing in the rain again,  Hoping she'll be back.  This happens when emotions overrun,  And she doesn't know how to react.  She leaves the keys on the shelf Telling him she's not who she needs Instead of talking it all out,  She chooses to just leave.  He stands there thinking (shaking his head)- It's like the time before, When he was sure it was something he'd said. She pulls the car from the driveway In a rainy downpour, But he just watches on.. He'll never close the door... He remembers she said:   If I love you, If I love you You'll see.   I've stood on my own so long,  I just need time to be.... But if I love you.... If I love you, you'll know I'll come back better Than what I was before. You need to trust me now- I know how much I'm flawed The tears streamed down her face, As he sat in frustration and in awe. But then she said:  If I love you..... If I love you y o...

Savior and Angel

I'm both your savior and your scapegoat I've never uttered the exact names, I've never known the correct words, Not until today. You've doled out punishment and expectation, Waiting for me to comply I did what was expected, Your plans worked every time. But you've always talked shit, and blamed me, For things when I was not around, I could never defend myself.... I made not even a sound. I always wondered, Why people never knew what to believe..... Because I'm your whipping boy and your angel, It's too much for them to conceive. You guilt me into thinking, I owe you so much more, You say you'd give your life for me....and I've always taken that to heart..... But when it's  my turn to sparkle When its my turn to shine, You make it all about you- ---Every time. You created me to deliver, Yes- I can get the job done. You take advantage of my sweetness... And you've kept me secluded and alone. But now I'm r...

Rebuilding This House

We let our house break Only to resurrect it again We rebuilt the walls that were caught in the fire~ Destroyed by the wrath of sin. The house is charred and tattered But our lives go on We try to put the hard times behind us But the fire left us vagabonds. They tell us to protect our home By building the bond from within. To do so- we must understand more- Stop pointing fingers, and learn to begin again.  We have to give the other, The benefit of the doubt, To never go beyond not talking~ We must try to work it out.   To build a stronger house We must keep other troubles at bay... We must cherish each other and  Be the best of friends, each day. I know I hurt you When I got involved with him.. It was never my intention ~ It's something I'd rescind. To hurt you- was the last thing I wanted  The last thing I wanted to do... But my sorrys' don't  count for much now They're all so overdue.   But...

The Elephant

The elephant in the room Is watching me, And I wonder What else he can see? No one wants to admit  the reason he's there. Or that this relationship's  in complete DISREPAIR. You asked me to visit,  You were persistent-   And here I came... Way too consistent. You've always known  You can count on me,  I've never said no-  There's no boundary.  I've let you say things This has gone on for awhile And you say things Just to hurt & beguile.  And I came to tell you off Once and for good,  Hoping to feel  Much better understood. But today you just sit there,  Not feeling well-   And my mouth is kept buttoned Closed, like a clam's shell... As you sit starry eyed  Just looking at me.  The feeling of contempt  Disseminating in me. And I know yet,  I'll swallow this anger and pain,  And I'll sit here with you,  Till I finally leave again.  And I hope...

This Side of the Glass

I'm sitting on the outside looking in Wondering where I belong?  On this side of the glass  The day seems so lonely.  People are talking Caught up in the dirt Why do I always feel Caught up in it?  It hurts .....  I try to think of what all of the reasons could be Why there was a missed invitation Was it just because,  of me?  I'm no longer the life of the party I'm not the loudest in the room But I can hear my own voice whisper my name..... and I have that to hold onto.  But I love to love, I live to laugh Sometimes it's all too much to take in And tonight  I'll pick myself up again. I'll promise myself, I'm fine just how I am... I'll thank God for all I am.  And I'll try and see the beauty...  I'll try to find the beauty. By Jeanne Cassidy

It Wasn't S'posed To

This wasn't how the bed  Was supposed to be made You out the door Bills left unpaid It wasn't s'pose to.  Oh It wasn't s'pose to.   At my door you'd knock, I gave you the key You were supposed  to marry me! Oh You were s'pose to, You were s'posed to! I told you there was Baby on the way That was somethin I made up that day! But my lies were all found out My girlfriends are gone How dare they tell you My mind is long gone. Oh just to hold to you Oh just to hold to you This wasn't how the bed Was supposed to be made You out the door, bills left unpaid It wasn't s'pose to.  Oh ..It wasn't s'pose to.   Oh,  but what's a girl to do? Without you?  But what's a girl to do? Without you?